Diamond spin-photon-based quantum computer

The joint project “SPINNING” (diamond spin-photon-based quantum computer) aims to develop the demonstrator of a quantum processor “made in Germany” as well as the peripherals needed to connect the processor to classical computer systems. The quantum processor is based on so-called spin qubits in synthetic diamond. Compared to today’s quantum computers, the planned hardware features longer operation times and smaller error rates as well as low cooling requirements. The quantum processor will initially be able to compute with 10, and subsequently with 100 qubits and more, and would thus be able to predict the products of complex quantum chemical reactions.
“SPINNING” uses the entire economic and scientific know-how of six universities, two non-profit research institutions, five industrial companies (SMEs and spin-offs), and fourteen associated partners (ten of them are companies). All participants are highly active in the field of pre-competitive hardware, firmware, and software development.
The project partners of “SPINNING” are working on a design that features unprecedented connectivity and flexible configurations. In addition, the quantum processor is able to operate with low cooling requirements and thus may be implemented in close proximity to classical computer systems.
Local registers consisting of five qubits are realized by coupling spins to photonic resonators, allowing coherence times of minutes while maintaining high connectivity within each register. These registers are connected optically to form a quantum processor, thus enabling a universal quantum computer with fully programmable connectivity of the registers. In this way, 2-qubit gates can be implemented both locally, within a register, and globally, between two registers. Using this architecture, the researchers combine three key advantages of a solid-state spin-photon system: excellent quantum control, ultra-long coherence time, and strong spin-photon coupling.