News & events


News 12/19/2024

SPINNING reaches all milestones and is extended by six months

Fourth joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium


Press release 10/25/2024

Development successes in diamond spin-photon-based quantum computer

Consortium presents interim results of the BMBF project SPINNING


News 07/11/2023

Progress in QC hardware develoment

Third project meeting of the SPINNING consortium


News 07/18/2022

Second joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium

The second meeting of the consortium  at the University of Stuttgart


News 07/14/2022

First joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium

The project consortium came together at Fraunhofer IAF


News 05/06/2022

Project presentation at the World of QUANTUM

BMBF Networking Event Quantum Computing


Press release 03/08/2022

Quantum computing project “SPINNING” launched

Using diamond to realize a hybrid quantum processor “made in Germany”. BMBF funds “SPINNING” with over €16 million.


The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds the “SPINNING” project within the program quantum technologies – from basic research to market (grant agreement number: 13N16209).